

positive self talks


movies and tv

learn about disorders

trauma recovery



This too shall pass

My contributions to the world are valuable

Difficult times are part of my journey and allow me to appreciate the good

To make small steps towards big goals is progress

My needs and wants are important

I can ride this out and not let it get to me

im worthy of respect and acceptance

My thoughts dont control my life, I do.

I embrace both my good and bad qualitities

I'm allowed to take time to heal

I care about myself and others deeply

I accpet myself and love myself deeply

I might have some faults but Im still a good person

My past is not a reflection of my future

Negative thoughts only have the power I allow them

This is an oppurtunity for me to learn how to cope with my fears

Im allowed to make mistakes; they dont make up my whole story

I believe in the person that I dream of becoming

I have the power to create change

I let go of all that no longer serves me

Theres a purpose to my life, even though I might not always see it

I give myself permission to do what is right for me

Im not in danger right now

Im strong and I can deal with this

Im in control of how I react to others

This situation sucks, but its only temporary

I am enough

I deserve to have joy in my life

Im allowed to take up space

I have courage to say no

I choose to be proud of myself and the things that I choose to do

No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future

I am a sensitive person who experiences the world differently

I will not compare myself to strangers on the internet